Sculpted by:
Philippe and Charisse Faraut
PCF Studios Mold
Child Series
17" Thao Head
Shoulder plate
Crista Arms  (P-1)
Straight Legs
*See Picture below for legs trimmed for bent legs
Soft Fired    $27.00
Bisque           60.00
(Note: Add Extra $5.00 if requesting Ethnic Slip Color)
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WigSize:      8/9"
Eyes:           14 mm
PCF's little Asian American child in her costume of the Goddess Kuan Yin.
Thao's features are versatile enough to use to create a Native American or Eskimo girl as well.
Body pattern, tech sheet  included with SFGW or Bisque purchase only.
Also see:   Crista, Koumba, Molly,  & Thao
All use the 17" Crista Body Parts
Also see:   Crista, Koumba, Molly,  & Thao
Pictured are both Standing Straight and same leg trimmed for Bent Legs
If seated legs are desired, must request on special instructions on order form.
Spare must be trimmed away and  holes opened where indicated on picture above.
PCF's  Suggestions
Wig: 8-9" Black "Angie" (restyled) By Monique
Eyes: 14mm Dark Brown Glass
Asian Outfit Pattern: Not available at this time from PCF